We might question the existence of G-d at times of loss / the validity of religion but the gift of good caring family, friends and community who have surrounded us with acts and words of kindness is beyond measure. Menschlichkeit, showing humanity.
My scientific Dad wasn't the religious type but spiritually embodied the tenets of the five books of Moses. He ensured we kids studied and lived our Judaism to leave this world better than we found it by his example through his volunteerism, doing good work, tzedakah (charity), being kind to the earth and working towards the equality of our fellow man. Forty members of our Jewish community surrounded us in our family home to pray and share memories at our shiva minyan. Since we children vary in our religiosity too we will observe the mourning period in our own ways.
Here is an informative video re the period of mourning :SHIVA
The table was completely covered after guests added goodies... |
Since a private funeral was held, a Celebration of Life will be held Sunday, January 7th at 2pm at Temple B'nai Israel.
In lieu of flowers please consider making donations toward Synagogue Agudath Achim, Temple B'nai Israel, Boy Scouts of America and/or Lions Club International.