Wednesday, August 3, 2016


photo courtesy of the web
I spent the afternoon with two of my favorite guys, Natureman, of course, and the other man whom I have known a lot longer. He was introduced to me by one of my FB friends, Robert, way before there was FaceBook. You see I have been a longtime fan of both Robert Ludlum and  his protagonist. How can one not love the strong, silent type? You Know His Name... Jason Bourne.

Yep,  Bourne was in perhaps one of the longest chase scenes to start off a movie I've ever seen. In fact, a little too hokey Bond-like but impressively all done on a motorcycle chase scene. One knows Bourne has to survive / the movie would have been really, really short. Bourne (Matt Damon ) was as intense as always and finally was able to put together the pieces of his past and espionage activity. No spoilers here. 

Albeit this cyberthriller takes us from the Middle East (the Turkish Albanian border), Berlin, Rome and finally a Las Vegas cyber convention, it is a bit disappointing but still entertaining with its relevance of today's technology, stalking cams, texting, GPS surveillance,  etc... along with the movie's plausible premise  of "Big Government" watching/hearing our every move. Perhaps a little too real in lieu of what happened to Snowden even referenced in the movie. BTW Snowden's movie comes out soon.

And not to sound too paranoid there is no doubt in our very own household in the End of the Rainbow Valley that Natureman's correspondence/ communication has extra eyes and ears alerted with his grassroots activism. Scary you bet. We unlike Bourne and  CIA Agent Michelle Lee are thankfully not gun toting individuals. We were plenty worn out with just one afternoon at the movies.

1 comment:

  1. Nature man has helped stop Oil Bomb Trains, forced the rail companies to hire Private Security Thugs, and stood up to the likes of Warren Buffet. He is the real deal.
