Yet we made a different turn during our last stroll and walked past the Russian garden section and its gazebo and lo and behold on the backside of the information center building there is a completed new garden area. When did that happen?

Attractive hard scaped pathways are complete with a lovely water wheel and small stone benches dot the pathway in addition to a stone seating area where small groups/individuals can sit and watch where the Mississippi, Black and La Crosse Rivers converge.

I have a feeling we are going to be visiting this somewhat 'private undiscovered' secret garden a lot more now that we know that it's there.
Of course if I see any of you in this new addition, I know I've let the cat out of the bag.
AND we really would like to know what those plants do to make this sign necessary... Hmmm.
Thank you for the "heads up". We will have to revisit the gardens and look for your secret garden!
ReplyDeleteThis sounds delightful. I'll have to make sure to visit it when I come back in July for a doctor appointment.