Thursday, January 10, 2013

Blocking... not as in Packers

As you know every profession has its own vocab and the theater is no different. Tonight was my night to learn about stage 'blocking.'  This isn't  where the director brings wooden blocks from home but rather directs the actors going over their movements and positions on stage.

 In the upcoming 6 women play 'Pirates of the Chemotherapy' where I will be one of the 'Pirates', we are fortunately confined to a church basement for support meetings so besides our circle of chairs and the coffee table, both the set design and movements are somewhat limited. Gee nobody told me that we had to multitask. LOL.

Our script actually details  entrances and exits. But it the director's job to keep in mind the audience's view and also our  arrangement for interest and besides not  having our backs towards the audience while delivering lines.  Rats, I guess I can't attach my lines onto my cast members's backs. I get the true meaning now of being upstaged ... In teaching we are used to being 'center' stage.

I thought I knew everything about 'cheating' after 40 years in the classroom but there is a cheater stance on the stage. It doesn't involve craining your neck but rather facing sideways to the audience with one foot behind to create an angle. Who knew?

Before  attending rehearsal  a quick Google  informed me  theater body positions which included open and closed body, the two C's  "cross" and "cover"  and sharing. I haven't heard all the terms yet but I bet they are coming.
But I wonder if I'll be ready for a full frontal... hmmm.

The first hour was supposed to be me with just one other cast member but due to illness her doctor instructed her to keep her doozy of a hacking cough home. Oh dear, I hope we don't all  inherit  this city wide croup. I guess the plays hugs will be suspended for a bit. There are enough other things to remember-like lines. We are supposed to be ' off book' in a week and a half.

-That's theater talk for get your lines memorized.
Let's see if I can get this old brain rust oiled.


  1. Wow, and I thought just memorizing the lines would be the worst part...not to mention the stage fright.
