Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Storing your nuts...

 I don't know about you but everybody is getting ready for winter in these here parts.  Whether it's stock piling wood, winterizing one's house/ garden, putting away porch furniture/ taking out seasonal clothing and decorations. Busy, busy, busy especially for the procrastinators.  It's also a very busy time for the animals...

The squirrels have been working overtime at our feeders in between the busy bird time, hoarding seeds. Romeo, our watch dog,  has basically tired of chasing them away as I guess he figures they need something to live off of in the winter too...

Well while I was parking in 'town, I spied a very busy 'city' squirrel with packed cheeks scurrying back and forth between two parked cars.  He kept looking around to see if he was being watched.  He just looked like he was up to no good and then he stopped and seemed to be checking out the under carriage of one car. Then he did a very curious thing, he stood up for the longest time as if he was looking for something. All of then sudden he disappeared into the back bumper of the car.

Poor guy is going to be really disappointed when he goes back to this storage place and it is no longer there.  I think we all know how he will feel... we thought we had enough of a 'cache' for hard times too...

1 comment:

  1. That is funny...sad for the squirrel, but funny at the same time.
