Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Blow out the candles...

Birthday celebrations as you probably have realized hold different significance for every family. I probably have mentioned how big a deal they were in my family as we started off 'our' day with birthday cake surrounded by cards and gifts. The day was ours to do with as we chose which always included a birthday party when we were kids and our favorite meal for the birthday dinner. 'Star' for a day.

Natureman's traditions definitely did not include store bought cards and if anything hand written notes. So of course I handmade him a card adapting some of the Beatle's lyrics of "When I'm 64" converted to Now you're 64... Cake is not one of the birthday boy's favorite desserts so his request was honored for a Chocolate pie, not the kind from 'The Help". This one had a chocolate chip cookie crust and oowie was it ever sweet! I did pre-taste the filling...snicker, snicker.. well I had to lick my fingers.
Natureman spent his day kayaking the backwaters of the Mississippi since I had a second day of a technology inservice and I returned him to an 'exhausted' birthday boy. He said he just didn't have the stamina he used to have. "Did you stop and rest?" I asked. Nope, he had continuously paddled for 3 hours straight against the stream to follow the canoe trail. Gosh, people a lot younger would be tired too I reassured him. He looked wiped. We rested a bit reading birthday greetings on the computer and me sharing my inservice day experiences. Everyone needs some ' down' town.
I evenoffered to we have a home cooked meal rather than going out but he was anticipating the batter fried fish dinner.( It must have been all that river water!:) I drove as we jaunted in the Miata and headed to the Ridge Restaurant. Look he made all gone! That fish helped him regain some of his strength... He just ate the whipped cream topping of the birthday cupcake they gave him as he knew that chocolate pie was awaiting him.

We returned home sated and ready for a movie and of course birthday dessert... And do you know what? Natureman was so exhausted that he could only blow out one candle at a time... It had been a big day for the Birthday Boy, my Natureman.

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