Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Everything Has a Story...

Curiosity regarding specific items at Show n' Tell make for some  interesting telling not that I can do them justice with my synopsis as everybody has their own unique storytelling style. 

Chamber Pots: A Unique Collector

Do you know of anyone who collects chamber pots? Well, we met one. Talk about unusual collections! As we are passing around the pot the important question arose. "Has anyone in the collector's household used one of these?" The response:  "Oh no, we live in the country, the guys just go outside." Like yeah, I know about that.

Handkerchief Clock: Family Keepsake

A Grandmother's handerchief collection pinned so when a family wedding occurs, the bride can simply choose one by unpinning it and using it in her bouquet/when there's a christening, a couple stitches can make a baby's cap which can easily become a handkerchief afterwards for another wedding. 

Woman in Photo with Marceilles hairdo: The Secret

A Grandmother with a secret. Sad story of a first wife with child who were killed by a drunk driver and the husband remarries a friend the of the dead wife's sister, the second wife never to be known by the family as the second wife. Surprise comes many years later when the granddaughter becomes engaged and admires the grandmother's wedding ring only to be told it was a 'hand me down.' "A hand me down?""Yes, it belonged to grandfather's first wife..." and the secret story is told.

Pink Plastic Figures. Re: Sibling Rivalry

Two sisters compete in who has the most plastic figures. Each figure portrays different women's professions of the day.  When the sisters are grown, one day one sister gives her sister a box. What's inside? Her sister has given her sister her pink figure collection. 

Crewel Work Mystery.

Many items are donated to the historic museum without a story and it's the curator's job to figure it out. This handwork is in Czech but we need to find someone who can not only translate the stitching but decipher its abbreviation and significance. Do you know of anybody that could help? We know there was a Czech population at one time in La Crosse...

When you compliment someone on an item, I just bet they'll have a story for you. Just listen up...

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