Friday, January 11, 2013

Life before the sun rises...

I know for night owls this will sound very insane but I love the early morning... I usually rise with the moon still in the sky. I guess I have always been an early morning person.  As a kid I remember hearing my folks open the front door before six to fetch the daily paper and hear its rustling pages as they perused the news before the clatter started in the kitchen.  There's a different stillness before the house really becomes alive.  Nowadays it's a time for me to do catch up stuff/ just read. Some a.m.'s I get an extra load of wash going while I catch up on mail/read/ school work. It's seldom that I can fall back to sleep as the lists start growing in my head and I figure I might as well start tackling them. I fix a cup of chai /hot cocoa and breakfast usually waits until Natureman awakens.

What's scary is how computertime can suck a person in and some mornings's sunlight arrives without me even noticing that  it has replaced the End of the Rainbow Valley's darkness as I  catch up on the world and social news besides playing my choice games. The games change as advertising wait time makes them less appealing but I usually find something else to do. For this month it will be working on my play lines. Subliminal advertising for me telling you all not to forget to donate/come to this breast cancer fundraiser. Really subliminal...

Anyhow bottom line is I am the one who rises before the chickens. Heck I just function better in the mornings... How 'bout you?

1 comment:

  1. I tend to rise somewhere between 7 and 8, at least right now when it's cold. But I do know what you mean about the early hours. When it's warmer I tend to wake sooner, maybe because the sun comes up earlier. It's also my quiet alone time before Pete rises in our tiny abode, so it is precious to me also.
